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Why can't I cancel my Scribd subscription?
Log into your account on the Scribd or Everand website. Navigate to your account page. In the Subscription & Payment Details section of Your Account, click on "End My Subscription" (for some members, this may appear as "Cancel Subscription")
How to get a refund from Scribd?
You must contact us within 30 days of a charge for a refund. We cannot grant you a refund for any charges over 30 days old. Your subscription is provided by Scribd, Inc. and covers premium access to all three of our products — Scribd, Everand, and SlideShare.
What happened with Scribd?
The original Scribd has now been divided into three new platforms – Everand housing all the ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and sheet music, Scribd is now the home for documents only (think whitepapers, court filings, etc), and all the presentations have moved to SlideShare.
How is Scribd legal?
Scribd takes intellectual property rights very seriously and complies as a service provider with all applicable provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) of 1998. We expeditiously remove infringing material when notified and we also terminate repeat infringers pursuant to a "three-strikes" policy.